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How Much Rig Time Can You Save When Detecting an influx 10 Minutes Earlier & Why

Written by Snorre Lutnes | Jul 02, 2024

What is Rig Time and Why is it Important?


Rig time refers to the period during which a drilling rig is in operation. It encompasses all activities from drilling and tripping to maintenance and downtime. Rig time is a critical metric because the cost of operating a rig is extremely high. This includes equipment, personnel, and other logistical expenses. Reducing rig time, even by a small amount, can result in substantial cost savings.


In the context of drilling operations, time is money. The longer the rig is operating, the higher the costs. These costs can escalate quickly, especially when unexpected issues arise. Delays can lead to increased operational expenses, contractual penalties, and even the risk of losing the well. Therefore, optimizing rig time is crucial for maintaining profitability and operational efficiency.


Detecting Influx 10 Minutes Earlier: How and Why It Matters


During the field trial of EC-Monitor™, an influx was detected 10 minutes earlier compared to conventional systems. Early detection is crucial. In drilling operations, high kick intensity involves a large influx of formation fluids into the wellbore in a short time, while smaller kicks involve fluids seeping in gradually over time. Both scenarios can lead to significant operational challenges if not detected promptly.

Read also: 8 consequences of late kick detection in drilling operations


Early detection of an influx allows for immediate action to be taken to mitigate potential issues. This includes stabilizing the well, minimizing the size of the influx, and preventing more severe and extreme consequences such as blowouts or well loss. By identifying and addressing these issues earlier, you can save considerable time and resources because a smaller influx is easier to handle. Its pretty simple math really; the earlier you realise something is happening, the quicker you can react. The quicker you can react, the less damage done.


How Does EC-Monitor™ Detect an Influx?


EC-Monitor™ uses advanced technology to continuously monitor well conditions. The EC-Monitor™ offers continuous monitoring even during non-circulating operations  for consistent measurements. Sophisticated algorithms process real-time data, filtering out noise and disturbances to provide clear, accurate information. The system also compensates for rig movements, such as heave, roll, and pitch, ensuring data accuracy even in harsh environmental conditions.


The inline trip-tank design helps absorb volume fluctuations, providing consistent and accurate measurements during non-circulating operations. Sensors positioned in the riser offer continuous data on well conditions, while sophisticated algorithms filter out noise and disturbances, delivering clear and accurate data. Automated alerts notify operators of significant changes or anomalies, ensuring prompt responses.

Discover: Improving volume control and influx detect for less experienced crews


How Much Time is Saved by Early Detection?


The amount of time saved by detecting a gain or loss earlier can vary significantly depending on the situation. For instance, a large influx can take days to manage before operations return to normal. In contrast, minor issues might be resolved within hours. However, the principle remains the same: early detection prevents escalation, reduces non-productive time (NPT), and ensures smoother operations.


Consider the instance where EC-Monitor™ detected an influx 10 minutes earlier than a conventional system. This early detection would have enabled the crew to take immediate action and close the well. The time saved in this scenario would have significantly reduced operational time and cost.

Check out: Non-Stop Well Monitoring: How to Improve it


The Value of Time Saved: Benefits

The value of time saved in drilling operations cannot be overstated. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Cost Savings: Reducing downtime and operational costs leads to significant financial savings.
  2. Enhanced Safety: Early detection of anomalies allows for immediate action to prevent escalation, reducing the risk of severe and hazardous incidents.
  3. Reduced Human Error: Automated systems minimize the need for manual data interpretation, reducing the likelihood of human error and time to respond.
  4. Improved Operational Efficiency: Continuous monitoring eliminates the need for periodic checks, allowing operations to continue seamlessly.
  5. Environmental Protection: Early detection helps prevent environmental incidents, ensuring regulatory compliance and minimizing the environmental impact of drilling operations.
  6. Increased Reliability and Data Accuracy: Continuous monitoring ensures reliable and accurate data collection, facilitating better decision-making and operational planning.




Detecting gains and losses earlier is crucial for enhancing safety, improving operational efficiency, and reducing costs. By utilising a system such as the EC-Monitor™ you have the technology needed to achieve this, offering continuous, accurate, and reliable monitoring. By investing in advanced monitoring solutions you can ensure smoother operations, mitigate risks, optimize operations, prevent severe consequences, and save significant rig time.


If you’re looking to improve your drilling operations and save valuable rig time, consider exploring the capabilities of EC-Monitor™.