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Pernille Fjørtoft Grøsvik

Pernille Fjørtoft Grøsvik is the Marketing Manager at Enhanced Drilling

Drillers: - Not an Option to Not Use Enhanced Drilling’s EC-Drill®

Well after Well: Experienced Driller Mark Briggs from Seadrill steers towards success while explaining the goal for today’s wells.

Our EC-Drill® Dual MPD Leading Offshore Innovation: crossing the Atlantic with Stena Evolution

From left: Enhanced Drilling Offshore Operators Øyvind Bessesen and Espen Haugs, together with Control System Engineer Kristoffer Monsen and Offshore Operator Tellef Havig.

West Phoenix rig talk with Drilling Supervisor drilling challenging sections

To the left: Kristen Wanvik, Drilling Supervisor. To the right: Christian Jørstad, Drilling Engineer. Wanvik and Jørstad are both from Vår Energi, currently offshore on West..

Sunniva's way back from isolation led to the Enhanced Drilling workshop

Read full article from Vestnytt and interview with Sunniva

Enhanced Drilling wins 5-year frame agreement for all their technologies with Equinor

The frame agreement is the first in its kind for Enhanced Drilling. CEO Kjetil Lunde welcomes the frame agreement: